
2024 Monmouth Recreation Soccer 

Opening  Day September 7 , Last Day October 26

NOTE: All registration fees need to be paid  (checks made out to the) Town of Monmouth

All participants need to be registered before participating. Pre-registrations can be completed at the town office.

Weekly time schedule: At Monmouth Academy soccer fields.

Pre-Kindergarten 8:30 to 9:30

Kindergarten and 1st grade 8:30 to 10:00 

2nd & 3rd grade   9:30 to 11:00

4th thru 6th (travel boys and girls soccer teams), (If you are interested in coaching, reach out to director Joe Fletcher.)  

For the Pre-K thru 3rd gades, the weekly clinic is provided by M.A. Soccer coaches and players.  Skills and drills training will be offered during the first half of the clinic. The second half of the clinic will consist of the game of the week! 

The 4-6 travel boys and girls teams have Saturday games and midweek practices.

If you haven't pre registered, please arrive 20-30 minutes prior to your child's clinic time to register. Thank you and please remember to make checks payable to the Town of Monmouth. Cash will not be accepted

If you have questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to rec director Joe Fletcher at 330-8496 or email me at "Joe Fletcher" <>


2024 Monmouth Rec Soccer


Player Name: ________________________________________________________________

Players age: _____________________players grade:_______________________________

Parent: __________________________ phone #_________________________________

Street Address: _______________________________________________________________

Cost is $40 per player, checks must be made out to the Town of Monmouth. Please NO cash. 

Open to all players, Pre-Kindergarten through sixth grade.

Physical limitations your child has: ________________________________________________

Shirt size:   youth small    youth medium    youth large   adult small   adult medium  adult large

Parent Signature: ______________________________________________________________

Complete the Registration / Emergency contact form and mail to: 

Monmouth Recreation Director, Joe Fletcher, 859 main St., Monmouth ME 04259.

Director contact information: Joe  Fletcher  207-330-8496 or "Joe Fletcher" <>                               


WAIVER: By my signature above I agree to hold harmless in the event of an injury or accident the Town of Monmouth and its recreation soccer coaching staff. I further acknowledge that I am aware that this sport is a contact sport and that there is a real chance for injury stemming from play.