Monmouth Police Dept.

Welcome to the Monmouth Police Department
Animal Control is a part of this department

Our Mission
The mission of the Monmouth Police Department is to maintain order, preserve and protect the life, peace and property of the citizens of the Town of Monmouth, and to enforce the laws within the framework of the United States Constitution. The Department and its individual members will, without favor or prejudice, work cooperatively with the public to provide a safe community and strive to enhance the quality of life for all citizens.
If you need a copy of a crash report please visit the following web site.

Please take note: New Disabled Parking Fines

Effective Immediately due to Emergency Legislation:  Violators parking in DISABLED PARKING SPOTS (formerly Handicapped Parking) face a minimum $200/maximum $500 fine.  Disabled Parking Spots include the parking area itself AND access aisles designated and clearly marked for persons with physical disabilities.