Free books, available 24-7-365, at our 2 Little Cumston Libraries - Monmouth Center, and North Monmouth
Cumston Public Library
Join us for free yoga stretch classes, Love on a Leash therapy dogs, fiber arts, puzzles, crafts, games, and more!
FMI about library programs, please call the library at (207) 481-9403 or contact us at cumstonpubliclibrary@
Free e-book and audiobooks are available to download 24/7. Contact us FMI or to set up an account.
The library offers free high-speed wi-fi 24/7 - no password required - accessible from the parking lot or porch.
The Board of Trustees for Cumston Public Library meets in person and/or via Zoom for its "first Monday" monthly meetings at 6:45 pm. Please contact the library FMI: 481-9403 or cumstonpubliclibrary@gmail.com
To return books and other materials when the library is closed, please
place them in the library’s marked drop-box on the front porch.