Canoe/Kayak Storage Rack Rentals


Rack space permits are available to current Town Beach Pass holders for non-motorized vessels only.

  1. Cost of one rental rack space is $50 for May 1 – November 1.  Fee must be paid prior to the start of storage.
  2. Maximum length/width for the canoe/kayak racks is 18’0” / 2’4”.  Paddleboards, sculls, etc. may also be stored.
  3. Rack rental is not allowed for any watercraft used to access a moored or anchored vessel.
  4. Rack rental is on a first come, first served basis. Upon receipt of completed application and payment, racks will be assigned by number.  Rack rental and assignment is at the discretion of the Town Manager or designee.
  5. Before storage, Owner must attach their assigned rack number to the canoe/kayak by a secure means.
  6. Owner agrees to remove canoe/kayak by November 1. Failure to remove canoe/kayak from rack by date stated will result in the inability to rent during subsequent seasons.
  7. Owner must ensure the canoe/kayak is reasonably secured in its assigned rack and will not pose any danger to any passersby. Owner must provide locking mechanism.
  8. Owner must ensure the canoe/kayak rack space is clean and tidy at all times. Nothing other than one canoe/kayak can be left on, in, around or by the rack at any time (e.g., paddles, floatation devices, etc.)
  9. Canoe/kayak may not be left outside the designated storage area and should be carried (not dragged) to the launch.
  10. The storage rack launch may only be used for the one canoe/kayak listed above.  There is a two-space limit per household.
  11. Owner acknowledges that canoe/kayak rack rentals are at their own risk. The Town of Monmouth accepts no responsibility for user injury, or loss of or damages to the canoe/kayak.  Failure to comply with any terms will result in termination of this agreement with no refund of fees.